Meet The Home Brewer
Name: Seth Deghaye
How many years have you been Brewing? 1 ½ years
How did you get into Home Brewing? Attended a BeerBros Brewday and decided to try it
Favourite brewing method? All Grain with my cooler and keggle
Piece of equipment you just can’t do without? A Fermenter – without it I can’t make beer
Favourite style of beer to brew? I have many favourites. My saison, pale ales and pilsners
Best beer you’ve ever tasted – besides your own! So many to choose from – most memorable was the Lindermann Faro – such an unusual beer
Favourite hop? I still have too many to try, but Ive used EKG many times. Its very versatile.
Best beer you’ve ever brewed? Saison
Worst beer you’ve ever brewed? Why did it end so badly? Pale Ale that tasted like acetone. I suspect the yeast was very unhealthy. Pitched a single pack which Id hydrated. Should have been enough, but the fermentation did not go well. Had to pour it down the drain.
Biggest disaster you’ve had on a brew day? Trying to use an urn to do step a mash and the safety switch kept turning off the element. Could not heat up the mash correctly and ended up with a very sweet Helles.
Best South African beer at the moment? There have been some great limited edition beers out of Devils Peak which I have really enjoyed. But I would go with Warlord from Darling Brew.
Do you have any brewing tips to share, that you wished you had known about sooner? Start with good water free of chlorine and use good healthy yeast. You can play with the other things like recipe ingredients but you will always have a poor beer is the yeast