Meet The Home Brewer
Name: Adrian Ryley “A31”
How many years have you been Brewing? 3 Years
How did you get into Home Brewing? Attended the inaugural BeerBros Brew day – bought a Coopers kit and the rest is history
Favorite brewing method? Grainfather
Piece of equipment you just can’t do without? My fermentation chamber, you need a constant temperature for good beers to ferment
Favorite style of beer to brew? IPA’s, Pale Ales and high gravity beers
Best beer you’ve ever tasted – besides your own! Devils Peak Blockhouse– always a winner
Favorite hop? Citra/Galaxy/Dr Rudi
Best beer you’ve ever brewed? Patriotic Galaxy IPA
Worst beer you’ve ever brewed? Why did it end so badly? Zombie Dust – Went totally funky. Never squeeze a dry hop bag for extra flavor (Rookie error)
Biggest disaster you’ve had on a brew day? When I was using a Keggle with gas, the gas ran out 10 mins before the end of the boil and dropping a full bottle of iodophor sanitizer in the kitchen
Best South African beer at the moment? Mad Giant – Killer Hop
Do you have any brewing tips to share, that you wished you had known about sooner? Document everything on brew day, never be afraid to ask advice and always be willing to learn. You can never know too much